1.2. Assessment¶
This course contains a wide variety of assessment activities, designed to encourage active learning and emphasize practical skills development.
This is only a brief summary of the assessments. For full details, please refer to the course outline on CourseLink.
Course Notes Development or In-class Debater 10%
Each student should make individual contributions to these course notes
Since there are not enough spots for every student to be a primary note taker, students will have the opportunity to be an in-class debater in lieu of primary note taker
See Contributing to the course notes for more information.
Reflections and Participation in Debates 10%
Between March 11 - April 1 each student will read Situational Awareness and contribute to a series of asynchronous and in-class discussion and debates
The in-class debates will be in the lecture periods on March 18, March 25 and April 1
Video Presentation 10%
Each student will research and prepare a 5 minute pre-recorded presentation on a prominent systems thinker of their choice
The presentations will be submitted through the CourseLink “Video Assignments” tool and made available to the instructor and all students for peer review
Homework 15%
Homework assignments will closely follow the lectures. They will be submitted as Jupyter notebooks. They are due by CourseLink Dropbox according to the schedule on CourseLink
Homework will be auto-graded according to a terniary scheme:
High pass (more than average effort, essentially complete)
Pass (reasonable effort, may be missing some components)
Fail (less than average effort, mostly incomplete)
The three homework submissions with the lowest grade will be dropped. However, homework assignments that are not submitted will not be dropped
Lab Tests 25%
There will be two lab tests, each worth 12.5%
The lab tests will be conducted in the lab periods on February 13 and March 20
The lab tests will cover the material from the homework assignments and the other labs
They will involve a short meeting with a member of the instructional team while working in a Jupyter notebook
Final Project (Teams of 3-4 students) 30%
The project will focus on a case study of complex systems modelling
See Downey (1st edition) for some examples of student case studies